domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

Learning to cook!

In this post we are going to work with a recipe. Because it is a simple recipe it can be used in second grade of primary. Students have to read the text and answer the questions. After that they have to write the recipe of a sandwich.

Mother's Day Recipes - Fruit Salad

  • How many ingredients do you need? ____________________________________________
  • Which is the second step? ______________________________________________________
  • Can you do this recipe alone? ___________________________________________________
  • Which is the fouth step? _______________________________________________________
  • Do you want to add another fruit? which one? ______________________________________
  • Do you like this recipe? ________________________________________________________

Now you are going to write how to prepare  sandwich. You can use these words: cut, bread, chicken, tomato, lettuce, knife, plate, napkin, cheese, open, ham, mix...
Draw a picture of your sandwich.


After watching the first story of this video called "The wolf and the seven little goats" students have to answer these questions.

You can use the cooperative technique 1,2,4 (first individually, later in pairs and finally in groups of four) to correct and complete the activity.

What can you see?

I want to share a speaking activity. You can use this activity in class as a warm up or a review activity at the end of the year. The teacher asks the student different questions like:

  • How many watches has the man got?
  • What is this girl doing? (pointing to a girl)
  • What the weather like?
  • How many fish are there?
  • Which colour is the submarine?

Other way to do the activity is in pairs. The teacher gives this picture to a pair of student and both have to describe it and also they can write the sentences. They have to use structures as there is/there are, is wearing and  prepositions.

Enjoy it!

Resultado de imagen de imagen para describir


In this post I want to share you a writing activity for 4th grade of primary. It combines bouth reading and writing; first the students have to read aloud the text given and later they have to write their own daily routine.
A change in this activity could be that the student writes about a classmate daily routine. In this case we also add speaking to the activity.
I hope you like it.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Let's start learning!

I want to start this blog saying hello to all of you that are reading it. To beging with I want to share a funny and easy search word I have created about the parts of the house. The level of this activity is about 8 years old and after the search you can tell the students to write sentences in their notebook using there is/there are and the negative form. P.e: There is a blue bed in the bedroom, there are four chairs in the kitchen...
I hope you like it.